
Vote for the most necessary feature and we will add it or suggest your own idea.

Employees rate
Add the ability to rate employees
Plannedsuggestion added a long time ago
45votesVote Up
Prefill woocomerce checkout form
Pre-fill the main fields of Woocommerce (like name, email) based on the data from Ozapp booking form (suggestion for Woocommerce integration improvement only )
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
1votesVote Up
Ability to reschedule an appointment for logged-in users
Ability to reschedule an appointment for logged-in users
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
1votesVote Up
Ability to add more than 2 participants to the video conference
Ability to add more than 2 participants to the conference (group video conference)
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
1votesVote Up
Add integration with Zapier for SMS
Add integration with Zapier for SMS
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
20votesVote Up
Integration with smsalert
Integration with smsalert
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
16votesVote Up
Send notifications to Viber via SMSC.ru
Send notifications to Viber via SMSC.ru
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
10votesVote Up
Video preview instead employee photo
Video preview instead employee photo
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
18votesVote Up
Add wallet for customers
Customers will be able to replenish the balance of the wallet and spend these funds on appointments later
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
25votesVote Up
Add a cart for customers
Users will be able to buy appointments without specifying the date and time. And use these appointments later
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
21votesVote Up
Make the deposit mandatory for certain user groups
Make the deposit mandatory for certain user groups
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
13votesVote Up
Integration with Skype
Integration with Skype
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
14votesVote Up
Outlook calendar sync
add the ability to sync with Outlook calendar
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
17votesVote Up
iOS version of our mobile app
iOS version of our mobile app
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
42votesVote Up
Add special days for constant schedule
Add the ability to add special day in which you can specify a work schedule different from constant schedule for this day
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
34votesVote Up
Add tax rate
Add tax rate for services/appointments.Also show tax information in the booking form (subtotal, total with tax)
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
20votesVote Up
Paystack payment method
Add Paystack payment method
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
9votesVote Up
Video conference recording
The ability to record the conference and save it on the local computer
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
44votesVote Up
Integrate with Razorpay
Integrate with Razorpay
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
20votesVote Up
Multiple levels for service categories
The ability to make nested service subcategories
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
36votesVote Up
Group/multiple booking
The ability to make multiple appointments at the same time (e.g. group lessons)
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
63votesVote Up
Integration with Mollie
Integration with Mollie
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
14votesVote Up
Buy video conferencing points
Ability to buy points instead of service minutes, those points are connected to the number minutes that the customer bought, so when he lose connection or for any reason the employee did not join the appointment the customer will not lose his minutes. but ever minute used in the interview will charge the customer a point of his points in his profile.
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
16votesVote Up
Add shortcode upcoming appointments for client
Add shortcode upcoming appointments for client
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
40votesVote Up
Book the date only (without the time)
Book the date only (without the time)
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
22votesVote Up
Custom price
Add a booking form a field where the client himself can indicate the cost of the appointment
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
24votesVote Up
Switch camera in video conferencing
if the device has several cameras, add the ability to switch between them.
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
30votesVote Up
Integration with Yandex Calendar
Integration with Yandex Calendar
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
11votesVote Up
Mandatory service selection
Mandatory service selection
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
19votesVote Up
Service delivery schedule
The ability to specify when creating an employee's work schedule what services are provided on that day
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
25votesVote Up
Add an option to select the type of remote service
Add an option to select the type of remote service: only video, only chat, video+chat
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
14votesVote Up
Import bulk bookings
Import bulk bookings from CSV file
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
8votesVote Up
Wallet feature to employers profile
Employees can be able to request withdrawal of money paid into their wallet.
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
23votesVote Up
Saas version of the plugin
Saas feature which will allow you to create your own platform for creating a booking form for any website and charge for this commission
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
37votesVote Up
Integration with bigbluebutton
Integration with bigbluebutton
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
8votesVote Up
Import Employee data from CSV
Import option to set all values like service,price,Time slot,Day off, Shifts of a specific employee or all using CSV
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
14votesVote Up
Mailster integration
Mailster integration
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
11votesVote Up
Recurrent payment option
Add the option to make a service a recurrent payment, like a subscription, and the option to select how many months, days or weeks.
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
30votesVote Up
chat with employee after appointment for any queries
chat with employee after appointment for any queries .. chat as an after sale service option for a month or paid monthly subscription
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
43votesVote Up
Assign one WP account for managing multiple employees
Assign one WP account for managing multiple employees
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
23votesVote Up
Pause timer if any interruption on a video call by the interlocutor
Pause timer if any interruption on a video call by the interlocutor
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
16votesVote Up
Update captcha to version 3
Update captcha to version 3
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
21votesVote Up
Add shortcode for registration/authorization page
Add shortcode for registration/authorization form for employees and customers
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
37votesVote Up
Calendar and widgets for employees on main WP Dashboard
Calendar and widgets for employees on main WP Dashboard (as well as for the admin now)
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
41votesVote Up
Integrate with Quickbooks
Integrate with Quickbooks (send appointments to quickbooks)
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
24votesVote Up
Stripe Connect integration (Payments for platforms and marketplaces)
Stripe connect integration so employees can get a percent of payment right away and the company gets the rest
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
35votesVote Up
Integrate with Textlocal
Integrate with Textlocal (sms)
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
23votesVote Up
Appointments calendar shortcode
Shortcode to display appointments calendar on the frontend (like on the dashboard now)
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
45votesVote Up
Extra services
Add extra services (cross sell). Only affect the total cost of the appointment, but not on the duration of the appointment
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
38votesVote Up
Zapier integration
Zapier integration
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
17votesVote Up
PagSeguro payment method
PagSeguro payment method
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
43votesVote Up
Add a logo before “Appointment №” on conference page
Add a logo before “Appointment №” on conference page
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
34votesVote Up
Skip time step if only one slot is available
Skip time step if only one slot is available
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
18votesVote Up
Add Search by employees, services
Add search by employees, services on the booking page
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
34votesVote Up
Book multiple hours at once
The ability to book multiple time slots in one appointment
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
53votesVote Up
Integrate with Live smart video chat
Integrate with Live smart video chat
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
39votesVote Up
Integrate with Jitsi Meet
Integrate with Jitsi Meet Video conferencing
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
47votesVote Up
Viewing available services based on user role
Services must have option to which roles of WP users they are available
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
33votesVote Up
Integrate with Zoom Video Conferencing
Integrate with Zoom Video Conferencing
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
114votesVote Up
Custom fields settings depending on the selected branch/employees
Show/hide custom booking form fields depending on the selected branch/employee
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
34votesVote Up
Google Map integration
Google map integration for multiple branches
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
41votesVote Up
Separate service page
Add separate page for each service
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
38votesVote Up
Branch manager
Add WP role that allows it to manage employees and appointments by a specific branch
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
35votesVote Up
Employees can override default prices
Each employee can override prices of their services
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
28votesVote Up
Integrate with Buddypress
Integrate with Buddypress
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
30votesVote Up
QR codes
QR codes with a link for each employee
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
42votesVote Up
Integration with mylisting theme
Integration with mylisting theme
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
24votesVote Up
Square integration
Integration with Square payment
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
16votesVote Up
Discount price
Add discount price field in the service
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
68votesVote Up
Integrate with Mercadopago Payment (Argentine)
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
31votesVote Up
Overnight time selection
Overnight time selection for multiple hour booking across 12pm to morning, for example 11:00 pm to 2:00 am
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
24votesVote Up
Integrate with WorldPay Payment
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
19votesVote Up
Zelle payment
Integrate with Zelle payment method
Not addedsuggestion added a long time ago
22votesVote Up
Custom field type – upload a file
The ability to attach a file in the booking form
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Custom field type – date
add new type of custom field - date (with datepicker maybe)
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Employees can add services
Employees in their personal account can add new services themselves and specify their prices
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Customize the final message after the booking form
The ability to add a message after "You booked". Maybe something like: “Date: %date%, Hour: %time%, We’ll send you an email with confirmation details. Best Regards”
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Employees can register
Employees can register themselves and have default blank calendar to set up
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Employee can increase conference time “on the fly”
The employee can increase the time of the conference if he understands that there is not enough time allotted
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Video conference log
Add a conference log, where the administrator can see who and when connected, and how long the conversation lasted
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Partial payment of appointment
Enable customers to prepay (deposit) for appointment
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Mobile app version of the plugin
Mobile app version of the plugin
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Multiple locations option
Multiple locations option for one employee
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Service duration time slot
The step for time sells in booking form use service duration, for example: service duration is 30 minutes, time step will show 10:00-10:30; 10:30-11:00...
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Email, SMS notifications after changing the appointment in the backend
Send Email, SMS notifications after changing the appointment in the backend
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Buffer time after appointment
Add buffer time option after appointment (for example it's need to rest an employee or to prepare for the next appointment)
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Recurring appointment
Book an appointment and pay once for several recurring appointments (something like a subscription)
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Time zone selection
Customer can see time slots in his time zone
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Link to cancel appointment in notifications
Add link to cancel an appointment in Email and SMS notifications
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
SMS and Email reminders for employees
SMS and Email reminders about appointments for employees
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
OTP code to confirm
Send OTP code via SMS to confirm an appointment
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Add employee ID parameter to shortcode
Add employee ID parameter to shortcode - to display only a specific employee on the page
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Employees can manage their appointments
Employees can manage their appointments: edit, cancel, delete
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Yandex Kassa integration
Integrate with Yandex Kassa (Russian payment system)
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Allow book an appointment only for registered users
Allow book an appointment only for registered users
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Google Calendar – booking details
Include appointment data in Google Calendar sync
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Change date format
Add option to change date format
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Don’t hide the occupied time slots
Don't hide the occupied time slots. Make them red and inactive
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Custom type of employee schedule
Specify the employee's working days manually with custom date and time
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
URL redirect
URL redirect option after successful booking
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Register a customer
Register a customer as Wordpress user after booking with role - customer
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Integrate with Woocommerce
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Discount coupon
Opportunity to apply a
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Add Google reCAPTCHA v2 
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Export appointments to CSV
Export appointments to CSV file
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Stripe integration
Integrate with Stripe
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Assign an employee to WP user
Assign user WordPress to the employee profile with the ability to edit only their profile
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Employee profile page
Make for each employee a profile page
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago
Individual time slot duration
Individual time slot duration for each employee.
Addedsuggestion added a long time ago

    Or type here what would do you like to see in the new version.