
(EN) Changelog

Desculpe-nos, mas este texto está apenas disponível em Inglês Americano.

3.1.8 04/17/24

IMPROVED PHP8 compatibility
FIXED minor bugs (daysoff interface, deposit saving option, shortcode output ob_start added, deposit error, coupons)

3.1.7 08/25/23

ADDED Star rating for employees
ADDED WP block for placing the booking form
FIXED Issue with blocking time block in some situations (if service is selected first)
FIXED Slow loading if services were specified in the shortcode
IMPROVED Some css styles

3.1.6 05/18/23

FIXED Error with Paypal payment method
ADDED Choose time quickly
FIXED Textarea custom field sanitazation

3.1.5 21/01/23

ADDED Custom form field type - file suggestion
ADDED Custom form field type - date suggestion

3.1.4 05/01/23

ADDED ozempcalendar shortcode
REMOVED book_oz_REST_appSummary filter
FIXED minor bugs (untranslated strings, stripe ver. error, email notifications)

3.1.3 02/09/22

FIXED minor bugs (sorting and select options might not work in plugin settings in some browsers, 
reminder field value might not work in employee profile when adding a new appointment)
FIXED sending SMS reminders

3.1.2 23/06/22

ADDED Employees can add services suggestion
ADDED Employees can change password in their profiles
ADDED variable for phone defaultMask oz_vars.defaultMask
ADDED variable for custom phone placeholders example: oz_vars.placeholders = ['eg' => '... .. ..', 'ru' => '... .. ..']
ADDED the ability to add custom SMS provider via PHP code
FIXED not creating conference link if create an appointment in the admin panel
IMPROVED Ignore case when searching for a service in an employee profile when adding an appointment
FIXED when changing the status of the appointment through the employee profile page, an email about the status change is not sent

3.1.1 11/03/22

IMPROVED Payment process (Previously, some appointments might not be assigned to payment.)
FIXED Minor bugs

3.1.0 01/02/22

Important!!! This is major update. Please make a backup before updating
If you are using version 3.0.8 or less you need to remove it and download the latest version (3.1.0) from your Envato account. All plugin settings and data will be saved
UPDATED Plugin settings interface
UPDATED PHP core code of the plugin

3.0.8 19/10/21

FIXED restored part of the translation
FIXED some CSS styles
FIXED popup could close when clicking on some form elements
FIXED bug with saving employee data without a schedule
FIXED sometimes there was an error when creating a payment via Woocommerce
IMPORVED showing some information messages of the plugin
UPDATED Translations
UPDATED the employee's past days off is no longer removed from employee settings
UPDATED logic of recurring appointments. now one appointment can be specified (equal skipping recurring step)

3.0.7 30/09/21

ADDED Custom final message when appointment created with possibility to print to PDF suggestion
ADDED Add an appointment to Google Calendar and iCal buttons
ADDED Paypal payment id in payment information
FIXED Minor bugs (appointment start DateTime changes when use add func, end of appointment if change start date on the frontend, wrong redirect in mobile app, recurring step error)
UPDATED Translations

3.0.6 27/08/21

ADDED Time slot duration option for employees settings on the frontend
ADDED Option to hide registration form for employees
ADDED JS event on step changing in the booking form (onStepChange)
FIXED Minor bugs (react def options, employee calendar reschedule, missed translation strings)
UPDATED Translations

3.0.5 18/08/21

ADDED Registration / authorization form for Employees suggestion
ADDED New frontend personal area for Employees

ADDED Arabic language
ADDED Amount column to CSV export
FIXED rtl mode some styles
FIXED Textarea custom field
FIXED esc_html() added for some output
FIXED Minor bugs (php notice undefined index, unclosed tag select custom-field, select if required, deposit price, reminders, shortcode employee param, bug with irregular schedule)
UPDATED paypal API url
UPDATED Translations

3.0.4 07/06/21

ADDED Conference log suggestion

ADDED pause the conference if the internet connection is lost
ADDED for an employee - the ability to add an additional 5 minutes to the conference "on the fly" suggestion

FIXED Minor bugs (sending emails if woo price is 0, free the slot if the booking is canceled by the link)

3.0.3 24/05/21

ADDED REST API (documentation in progress)
ADDED make a deposit for services (V3)
FIXED Minor bugs (employee description height, recurring step error, employee name if empty)

3.0.2 12/04/21

ADDED Emoji in chat editor (V3)
ADDED Typing... status in chat (V3)
ADDED Option to hide "Skip selecting specialist" button
ADDED the ability to enable sound notification of a call (V3)
ADDED Conference link in User Area (V3)
FIXED minor bugs (phone validation, startFrom, buffer time before appointment, paypal SDK, if service free, recurring step, popup mode, rounding total, timezone string function)
IMPROVED same height for employee cards (V3)
IMPROVED Conference connection (V3)
IMPROVED updating appointment statuses when checnging status in woocommerce
UPDATED Firebase integration
UPDATED Translations

3.0.1 15/03/21

IMPROVED Woocommerce payment process (V3)
IMPROVED Form input for phone number
FIXED minor bugs and errors (Recaptcha error, oxygen builder error, recurring step error, register me required option, wp globus compatibility)
UPDATED max date for adding appointment 
UPDATED Translations
UPDATED Fullcalendar JS script

3.0.0 23/02/21

ADDED setting up a sequence of steps (with V3)
ADDED Conference link shortcode in SMS
FIXED Minor bugs
UPDATED Translations
UPGRADED new frontend engine - V3 beta (React)